November 11 is the feast day of San Martino and also marks the day that the new wines that were just harvested will begin to be delivered to stores, this is celebrated in Italy with vino nuovo, the new wine, and vino novello which is a fresh fruity wine that is available for only a short period and best enjoyed with the autumn harvest.
Wine production is up slightly this year compared to last but still below levels of a few years ago. The United States is still the biggest importer of Italian wines but with the economic slow down worldwide prices are expected to be lower this year.
San Martino was a new holiday to me when I first met my husband in 2003. Now, we host the holiday at our house every year. We celebrate on a weekend and have all the family come over for sandwiches of fried dough, prosciutto and roasted red peppers (among other things). We try to get chestnuts every year, but sometimes they are not so good here! Its the beginning of the holiday season for us. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! Michele in PA
That sounds like a great way to start up for the winter holidays!
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