27 June 2011

Bachelor Party...Italian Style


Since moving to Trivigno we have experienced several new experiences in Italian life that we were not exposed to in our two plus years in Ascoli Piceno. We’ve participated in our first vendammia, wine making and pig kill. Saturday night I experienced another first.

Our friends, Elisa and Giuseppe, are getting married next week-end I was invited to the bachelor party, I had no idea what to expect. I have been to several of these over the years in the US and they are many times not memories the groom would want to share with his bride.

This was different…

The festa took place at Giuseppe’s uncle’s house in the country a few kilometers away. We all arrived before 9 PM and that was when the eating started…a grilling feast. First there was the spiedini (shish-kabob). Then we had agnello (lamp chops). Excitement built as it was announced the porchetta would be arriving soon and when this stuffed and cooked pig arrived several of the men skillfully sliced it up for all to enjoy.

Once we finished the porchetta there was a short break of singing before salsiccia was put on the grille.  We then had more agnelo. After three hours the meal was finished off with grilled pancetta (think bacon). All of this was accompanied of course by bread, wine and beer. No verdura to be found…a grigliata.

When I departed signing folk songs was in full swing and I heard the next day that this and an assortment of drinking games was carried on by at least some in attendance until just before sunrise.

Forty men eating well and singing the night away…Italian Style!


Phoenix Edler said...

What an eccentric bachelor party! The Italian culture of dining and their appreciation of everything they prepare makes it totally hearty. Man, I wish to have that kind of celebration with my buddies someday.

Bryan said...

It is all about the food...good food.