There are so many things about Italy and living in Italy that are fascinating that you can easily get caught up in the grandeur of the scenery, food, architecture and festivals. Many people will miss some of the simple details of Italy, one of my favorites being the door knockers that adorn old and new doors alike. You can find these in any town or city as you stroll the streets and rue, greeting guests to homes all across the peninsula.
They may be brass or steel, old or new, on both inhabited and vacant houses. You may find some of these in a ferramenta and others are obviously carefully crafted pieces of art…the original street art! The next time you are wandering the streets of a hilltop town keep your eyes open for some battente di portello.
These are a sampling of a few we have seen in our travels around Italy.
That woman figure gives new meaning to the term "nice knockers"!!
The male and female are a matching set on some double doors in Offida.
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