26 February 2006

New perspective on the Olympics

I have never been a big fan of watching the Olympics on television. Valerie enjoys the opening and closing cermonies so I usually watch those with her, but I have little interest in most of the prime-time coverage of events. (She also watches figure skating, bobsledding and the half-pipe, but I don't indulge in those.)

This is not to say I don't following the Olympics. I check regularly the medal counts and who has been a bust on the internet. This year is especially interesting how all of the Americans who were being hyped by the media have been big dissapointments, and those who we heard nothing about excel with class.

I found with the last summer Olympics that I had a strong interest in how the Italian team was doing and regularly checked to see how individuals -and the Italian team as a whole-were performing. These winter Olympics are no different.

I have a double chant when following the Olympics - "Go USA!" and "Forza Italia!".

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