29 July 2011

Mountain View

New Mexico is known as a land with enchanting vistas. Our last house in Corrales had wonderful views of the Sandia Mountains where we could watch the colors of the mountains change as the sun moved across the sky, ending in many spectacular sunsets. When we were looking at houses here in Trivigno and saw our house one of the things that was a big plus for us was the view.

The Dolomiti Lucane are just to the south of us with the exposed rock face, similar to that of the Sandias. We are able to watch the changes in colors as the day progresses and also get to experience many spectacular sunsets. The shadows and hues change as the sun moves across the sky and the colors of the landscape also change with the shifting seasons.

Our view from morning, noon, afternoon, eve and sunset.

Mi piace le montagne!

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