10 August 2009

Looking, looking, looking...

Full time occupation

Early this year I began looking at the job market here in the US, knowing that we would need to return from Italy. I made a few inquiries and began to keep an eye on job postings on some of the major sites just to know what jobs were available that might interest me. Between the time when I started to watch this and this summer when I began a full push to find a new position I noticed a marked decline in the quantity and quality of posted jobs. The news outlets do not provide any encouraging outlook for this to improve anytime soon here in America.

Since returning to the US my full time occupation has been to find a new job. I have kept my search broad, not confined to one specific job or locality and I spend the majority of each weekday tracking job postings, networking, applying for positions and regularly fine tuning my resume and cover letters for specific positions. Many days I am bleary eyed from staring at my computer for eight hours scrolling through countless job postings.

Despite a rejection for about every ten applications there are a couple “irons in the fire” for positions. I continue to pursue these and hopefully by the time kids start to head back to school I will be headed off to a new employer…God willing.


Barbara said...

In bocca al'lupo! What type of work are you looking for?

Unknown said...

Barb - I'm trying not to limit myself to a specific position but things where I can utilize my past work/life experiences. I know sounds vague but I'm trying to look across a broad spectrum of options.

janie said...

Bryan-good luck. I just found a job after looking since last October-I have never had a hard time finding a job before, so this was very humbling. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Janie - Congrats on the job. I know this is a process, especially with the way the economic news never seems to improve.