On the morning of New Year’s Eve we picked up Valerie’s Uncle Roger and Aunt Kathy in Roma and headed to Ascoli Piceno for their quick five day visit to Italy. Ascoli was preparing for the big night so most restaurants were closed and the stores closed early so we had to scramble to find provisions for the holiday week-end after being gone since Christmas Eve.
Piazza Arringo was the center of the celebrations but since I was fighting a fever and a cold I

spent that evening and New Year’s Day in bed. Valerie, Kathy and Roger were out amongst the crowds and joined in the festivities of fireworks and flowing sparkling wines. Even from our apartment the night was loud with locals lighting fireworks well into the morning.
Tuesday I was feeling well enough for us to head back to Roma so Roger and Kathy could experience the Eternal City. They had two days packed with hitting the major sites in the centro. Since I was still tiring easily from my cold Valerie made sure they saw as much of that wonderful city as possible before they flew back yesterday for Ohio.
Despite the short duration of their visit and the cold I was fighting we had an enjoyable time together.
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